This past Sunday was the perfect day for a trip to the farmer's market. It was warm and sunny so by the time we made it there the street was packed with pooches and strollers. I like to begin my forays with an initial loop to check out the selection and prices. Then I go in for the kill.
I was glad I chose to go to the Ballard Farmer's market since my friend went to the one in the University District and stood in line at 9am for asparagus, 9am!! And by the time she bought hers they were almost out! I however, managed to get a bunch without incident, or long line, at 11:30 from Ayala Farms. We then wandered over to one of my favorite's, Nash's for the rest of our produce (green garlic, red cabbage, red russian kale, and chioggia beets), and Tall Grass Bakery for some fresh bread.
Thinking of the nice pastured eggs I already had in my refrigerator I decided to make a cabbage hash with asparagus, soft boiled egg and toast on the side.
Asparagus, Cabbage HashI made this up on the spur of the moment, inspired by all the fresh spring veggies we found at the market. You can choose different spices depending on your personal taste. Serve with a soft boiled egg and toast.
2 tablespoon olive oil
3 stems green garlic (chopped into fine rounds)
1 pinch chili powder
1 dash of paprika
1/4 teaspoon salt
Ground Pepper to taste
1 1/2 cup shredded red cabbage (or 1/2 of a baseball sized cabbage chopped)
1/2 bunch asparagus - washed and trimmed
1/4 cup Water
Heat olive oil in a saute pan over med heat until hot, add green garlic. Saute, stirring, for 1-2 minutes until the rounds of green garlic soften.
Add spices and mix to combine.
Add cabbage and allow to sweat, stirring frequently for 1-2 minutes until cabbage is coated in oil and begins to soften.
Add asparagus and 1/4 water.
Cover and let steep for 2-3 minutes. The asparagus should be bright green and tender.
Makes 3 servings

Soft Boiled Eggs (Eliza style)When I cook eggs for eating plain I like to use local, pastured eggs, it makes me feel good knowing I'm getting a little extra omega-3 fat in my diet.
3 eggs
Water to cover
Place eggs (medium to large, not extra large) into a pot with water to cover by a couple of inches. While covered, bring the water to a boil. Once the water is boiling, turn off the heat and set a timer for 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes, drain the hot water and wash the eggs with cool water and drain. The eggs can sit until you are ready to serve them.
Peel the eggs and cut into sections. The yolk should be firm but still translucent.
Makes 3 eggs.
Here is a photo of the final feast which even my husband enjoyed once he figured out that soft boiled eggs aren't at all like hard boiled eggs. Local tastes so good.